An Artist's Interesting Approach To America's Meat Fetish.

An Artist's Interesting Approach To America's Meat Fetish.


Dominic Episcopo has spent six years gathering what he calls uniquely American images for the book called “Meat America,” which will come out this year. “I’m not quite as obsessed with meat as you might think,” he says. “But I do think these images speak to a meat fetish thing that is uniquely American.” According to the Food and Agricultural Organization report of 2009, Americans consume 279.1 pounds of meat per person each year. These staggering numbers made U.S. #1 in the world, with Australia coming in second. Episcopo describes his point as such, “This exhibition celebrates our collective American appetite of insurmountable odds, limitless aspiration, and immeasurable success. Though, some may just see it just as a bunch of states, presidents and American icons shaped out of animal products, which is also fine with me.” What do you think of this interesting approach?


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