Photos from AfricaBurn 2013

Photos from AfricaBurn 2013

AfrikaBurn is an annual event held in the deserts of the Tankwa Karoo in South Africa that invites artists to display their work and then eventually light it up in a blaze of glory, in true Burning Man fashion. The regional event, which most recently hosted approximately 6,500 people, follows the same eleven guiding principles as Nevada's famed Burning Man festival, encouraging "communal effort, decommodification and total expression of the self."
Following the basic guidelines, the festival's 2013 Archetypes theme welcomed thousands of visitors and participants with some truly incredible installations. One of the most prominent figures included artist Daniel Popper's massive, 9-meter-high sculpture of a man with outstretched arms. The three-story structure was fitted with custom LED lights with seventeen different simulations programmed by Justin Eastman. Other structures ranged from abstract pieces of land art to illuminated pathways.


Tags: AfricaBurn   festivaly   sculpture   
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