Human Figures Transformed Into Amazing Optical Illusion Body Art

Human Figures Transformed Into Amazing Optical Illusion Body Art

Using the human body as her canvas, artist Gesine Marwedel creates amazing works of body art that will have you staring in awe. The artist draws upon the shape of a person's twisted body, head, and limbs to produce intricate optical illusions that appear to be landscapes, animals, and all sorts of elaborate designs. At first glance, many of the compositions, which are set against solid black or white backgrounds, appear to be traditional paintings. It's only upon closer inspection that the muscles of an arm or the folds of a leg reveal themselves to the viewer. The artist says, "Bodypainting is not only inking on a living canvas; it is the recording of body shapes in the design, painting on and with the body. It is the transformation of a man into a breathing, moving, living work of art."…


Tags: art   body   
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