15 Life Lessons Learned From 15 TV Moms

15 Life Lessons Learned From 15 TV Moms


Happy Mother’s Day! If there’s anyone out there reading this that just replied, “Thank you,” you have terrible kids. Today is your day; spend it doing things that don’t involve the Internet. Come back to us tomorrow, when the world won’t care about you for another 364 days. For everyone else: yeah, I forgot to send a card, too. Anyway, a lot can be learned about being a good mother from watching TV. Not literally, of course, not that my sitting six inches from the screen as a kid did any long-term damage *begins drooling, tries to count the fuzzy lines swimming in my eyeballs* but from examples shown to us by the Marge Simpsons and Tami Taylors of the world. In honor of Mother’s Day, here are 15 life lessons taught to us by 15 TV show moms.


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