Aziz Ansari On Fallon: Aziz Is So Hilariously Done With Late Nights

Aziz Ansari On Fallon: Aziz Is So Hilariously Done With Late Nights

If you’ve paid any attention to Aziz Ansari’s late night appearances over the years you know that he pretty much uses them as an opportunity to work on his stand-up material — and then occasionally mentions whatever he is plugging at the moment. Last night’s appearance on Fallon was no different, except that his opening material hit home hard with a certain not-as-cool-as-they-used-to-be demographic.
As someone on the other side of thirty himself, I often look back on my twenties and think about how much time I wasted while simultaneously reminding myself how astonished the twenty-something version of me would be with all the things the current model is done with. I imagine I’m not alone here. And now we can add recently turned 30 year-old Aziz Ansari to our lameass ranks. This first bit on his evolving perception of staying out late is us in a microcosm.


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