Beyoncé Tells Concertgoer To 'Put That Damn Camera Down'

Beyoncé Tells Concertgoer To 'Put That Damn Camera Down'


But in a good way, not a bad that-tall-guy-with-the-glasses-is-saving-a-mental-picture-of-Beyoncé’s-ass way. During a concert on Friday, Bey invited the audience to sing along with her to “Irreplaceable,” but she noticed someone who was having none of the follow-the-bouncing-butt fun: he was too busy filming the show. And I quote, in a wise tone not unlike the YYYs’, “See, you can’t even sing because you’re too busy taping. I’m right in your face, baby. You gotta seize this moment baby! Put that damn camera down!” Good on you, Beyoncé, for throwing down the gauntlet (even if it’s for shady reasons) — now do something about the backpackers.

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