Awesome Pop Culture Pencil Art That Leaps Off The Page

Awesome Pop Culture Pencil Art That Leaps Off The Page

You don’t always need the wonder of Photoshop to create visually arresting artworks.
Just ask illustrator turned tattoo artist Andrew Wilsonwho is able to create vibrant and bold artworks using coloured pencils, some sheets of paper and a tremendous amount of skill. His most popular drawing of Daft Punk was even shared & celebrated by the band themselves – now if Daft Punk have given you the seal of approval, that’s really the only validation you need right?
He posts daily images & work-in-progress via his Instagram* account, a great way to see his art come to life. Plus you can also order prints, a percentage of which goes to charity – what more do you want? We’ve selected just a few of our favourites from his catalogue, but be sure to see the full range of his talent over on his Facebook* page.
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