What 12 of The World’s Biggest Websites Looked Like at the Beginning

What 12 of The World’s Biggest Websites Looked Like at the Beginning

Even the greatest among us had humble beginnings. This is just as true for websites, however, as it is for people. Even online giants like Amazon, YouTube, Facebook* and Twitter were once itty-bitty websites with monochrome homepages, poorly-thought-out logos and boring or stark turn-of-the-century designs. Mashable, which collected the old homepages from the Wayback Machine, even included their own site on the list. Check out these images to see how the internet greats looked in their infancy.


Tags: "internet"   amazon   apple   facebook   full-page   google   internet-history   internet-time-machine   microsoft   myspace   no-ads   the-new-york-times   twitter   wayback-machine   wikipedia   yahoo   youtube   
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