25 Best Moments of the Grumpy Cat

25 Best Moments of the Grumpy Cat 

If you think you’re having a bad day, just Google “grumpy cat”, and you’ll know instantly who’s doing even worse than you are. Meet Tardar Sauce (a.k.a. Tartar Sauce) - the Grumpy Cat, who has become an Internet sensation once her picture was posted on Reddit on September 22, 2012. Sceptics first thought the bitter expression on her face was Photoshoped, but it’s completely real.
Tard is a mix-breed, but looks to have some Ragdoll or Snowshoe in her. Born in April, 2012, she is “a super cute and cuddly kitty and loves to be held and rubbed”, according to her Arizona-based owner Tabatha Bundesen. Tard’s face has become one of the most popular meme themes, and the owners have even started a souvenir production. A good portion of the profit they make is donated to animal shelters. Wonder what Tardar thinks about that…?
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