Immensely Beautiful & Intricate Marco Image Portraits

Immensely Beautiful & Intricate Marco Image Portraits

Greek illustrator Charis Tsevis is fast becoming one of the most sought after visual designers in the world. He’s already won several awards for his quite brilliant portraits created using the “macro image” effect – whereby he uses a vast range of visuals (hundreds and thousands) and combines them to format a single image / portrait of the individual.
A digital mosaic if you will.
And the end results (as you’re about to see) are often jaw-dropping.
He has his own studio Tsevis Visual Design and when he’s not creating artwork for some the world’s most well-known and respected brands, he also teaches Editorial Design as a professor at AKTO College of Art and Design.
He very generously create a showcase of his work from 2011-2012, sharing on via his official Behance profile, we selected a few of our personal favorites to share with you below. But you can can see the full range of his extraordinary work right here:
Do let us know which ones you enjoy the most!
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