Your Funeral Won’t Be So Depressing If You Hire People to Attend It

Your Funeral Won’t Be So Depressing If You Hire People to Attend It


Would you bring a ringer in to your funeral? Because it might become a thing. A British company called Rent a Mourner does exactly what you think it does: it rents out people to show up to funerals so the deceased can have a proper memorial. The cost? About $68 per person. The company promises to “supply professional, discreet people to attend funerals and wakes. If you simply need to increase visitor numbers or introduce new faces, then we can help.” Basically, it’s a way to avoid that low “Hey, no one favorited my tweet” feeling we’ve all had before setting sail for the afterlife. It’s like being a seat-filler at an awards show or a cast member of ‘The Truman Show,’ only it’s because you had no friends while you were alive. 


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