The Best Of 'Texts from Superheroes', A Superpowered Parody Site

The Best Of 'Texts from Superheroes', A Superpowered Parody Site

Texts From Superheroes is a single-serving site which features snarky text messages between superheroes (and sometimes supervillains). The texts are created by internet comedian Diana McCallum and stand-up comedian Andrew Ivimey. They shed light on such superhero trivia as how Wonder Woman and Superman have sex, what Shocker's sidekick's name should be, and why Robin hates Halloween. Also, everyone's parents are dead. Especially Batman's.
Below you'll find our 24 favorite texts out of the hundred or so at Texts From Superheroes. Thanks to Neatorama for the assist and LATFG for the cosplay picture above.


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