PETA Takes On Kimye For Wearing Too Much Fur And More!

PETA Takes On Kimye For Wearing Too Much Fur And More!


PETA is known for picking on celebrties for their furry accessories. They have recently shifted attention from Beyonce and Jay-Z to Kim Kardashian and Kanye West. Wendy Wenger, PETA's spokesperson commented on the parents-to-be's liking of fur. “Youngsters naturally identify and empathize with animals – so even though Kim and Kanye will undoubtedly serve as poor examples when it comes to kindness toward animals, perhaps their child will take after aunt Khloe and choose kindness by rejecting fur”. Wenger has gone further then just bringing up Kimye's insensitivity to animals, expressing her overall disregard for Kim by stating “Kim is a commodity; she is paid to wear things like fur, a particular makeup, or to shake hands with questionable people, so she is not a good example to a child or anyone else of how to show a social conscience". Wow seems like someone might be looking for publicity.

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