The Best Of Bryan Cranston's Reddit AMA

The Best Of Bryan Cranston's Reddit AMA

As of yesterday, there were 54 days left until Breaking Bad's glorious return to our sad, blue lives. Fifty-four is also the number of episodes of Breaking Bad has aired up to this point, which can only mean one thing: Megan Draper is dead. OK, two things: Megan Draper is dead and, jeez, only 54 episodes? Feels like 59 to me.
Breaking Bad pre-season hype will soon turn into a deafening roar — no complaints here; there's never too much Hank Schrader — but we're still in the calm before the storm caused by a bomb strapped to a wheelchair, so every interview and teaser feels like a gift from the Pink Bear in the Sky him/herself. Last night, Bryan Cranston took part in an Ask Me Anything on Reddit where he answered questions about being Bryan Cranston and why it's awesome being Bryan Cranston, all while raising money for the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children, which, in his words, "has helped recover more than 183,000 missing children." He's still the best.


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