Silicon Valley's Stupid Name Problem, Visualized

Silicon Valley's Stupid Name Problem, Visualized

It is absolutely no surprise that Silicon Valley is filled with some of the sharpest minds, after all, Apple, Google, Youtube, Netflix and Twitter Head Quarters are based on the Silicon Valley. So why is it then that every single start up that pops up in the area not only sounds the same, but also are based on the same idea. Bitly, Borkly, Barnly, Molestly, Strinkingly, Happily, Crappily, Maply, Morply, Dottly, Dootly, Godly, Angrily. Jesus! Can they get a little more creative!? These people are doing too much of the same thing. To illustrate the hilarity of this, I've found an illustration for you all. Behold!
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