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1) Pythons will eat everything. EVERYTHING.
08 jul 2015 09:44

Snakes, spiders, crocodiles, sharks and drunk white males, find out why Australia is the most dangerous travel destination going.

Snakes, spiders, crocodiles, sharks and drunk white males, find out why Australia is the most dangerous travel destination going.

Tags: australia    danger   
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These Parents Turned Their Backs For A Second And… OOPS
21 apr 2014 11:12

When you become a parent, you know you need to protect the precious life you made. You are there to guide and protect them. After a while though, you also know you need to have a sense of humor.
These kids somehow found a way to get stuck in the strangest of places. Sometimes, all you can do is laugh… and then call the fire department.

When you become a parent, you know you need to protect the precious life you made. You are there to guide and protect them. After a while though, you also know you need to have a sense of humor.

Tags: children    danger   
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Woman almost died in amusement park in Edinburgh
17 dec 2013 11:03

A young mother today revealed how she thought she was going to die on a fairground ride when part of her seat came off while she was spinning 200ft in the air.

A young mother today revealed how she thought she was going to die on a fairground ride when part of her seat came off while she was spinning 200ft in the air.

Tags: amusement ride    danger   
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