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#1 The Pulmonoscorpius Kirktonensis Or (Breathing Scorpion)
20 sep 2016 12:30

Pictures alone aren't always enough to give us a true understanding of something, especially when it comes to perspective. With this in mind, a college student named Kevin Wisbith decided to create a project titled "A Quick Perspective". It's an educational YouTube series all about.

Pictures alone aren't always enough to give us a true understanding of something, especially when it comes to perspective.

Tags: educational    perspective    picture   
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How It's Made, Hot Dogs.
13 sep 2013 11:36

How important is food to you? Or to anyone else you know. Below are a few different videos of how the food industry treats our food and how we are treating ourselves. LolJam is not stating a harmful or offensive opinion of the food industry it just sharing the information that is redelivery available.

How important is food to you? Or to anyone else you know. Below are a few different videos of how the food industry treats our food and how we are treating ourselves.

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