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Surfing on a wave full of trash in Java (Indonesia), the world’s most populated island
16 apr 2015 12:25

It’s no secret that we are exploiting our planet and running out of resources at the speed of light, but many people refuse to take notice. These unbelievable photos of environmental damage, collected into a book by environmental awareness platform Global Population Speak Out, show the harsh realities of the ecological and social tragedies that Earth is suffering. Its title: “Overdevelopment, Overpopulation, Overshoot.”

It’s no secret that we are exploiting our planet and running out of resources at the speed of light, but many people refuse to take notice.

Tags: effects    overpopulation    planet   
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The Devastating Effects of a Nuclear Explosion Test
09 sep 2013 11:11

This recorded blast occurred in Bikini Baker in 1946 and was more devastating than anyone had predicted it would be. Truman cancelled further nuclear testing as a result of the surprise destruction and damage from this initial test.

This recorded blast occurred in Bikini Baker in 1946 and was more devastating than anyone had predicted it would be.

Tags: 1946    bikini-baker    destruction    effects    explosion    nuclear   
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