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This ‘Vampire’ Hedgehog Is Instagram’s Newest Star
26 apr 2016 11:25

Meet Huff, a 3-year-old rescue African Pygmy hedgehog from Utah whose adorable fangs have earned him a following of 12k people on Instagram. Otherwise known as Sir Hodge Huffington the Cricket Slayer, the cutie-pie was adopted by student Carolyn Parker after his previous owner treated him badly.

Meet Huff, a 3-year-old rescue African Pygmy hedgehog from Utah whose adorable fangs have earned him a following of 12k people on Instagram.

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The Adventures Of Humphrey J Hedgehog
12 nov 2014 14:11

Meet Humphrey, the adventure-seeking hedgehog who simply isn’t content being a regular pet. Humphrey’s mission in life is to show other pet hedgehogs that there is another world out there, beyond the mealworms. A life full of meaning and content is perfectly possible for any pet. And Humphrey isn’t going to rest until he has experienced his fill in life.

Meet Humphrey, the adventure-seeking hedgehog who simply isn’t content being a regular pet. Humphrey’s mission in life is to show other pet hedgehogs that there is another world out there, ...

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