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Reason #1: It can change the child/parent relationship.
09 nov 2015 12:22

If you go to a mall, coffee shop, or even a playground nowadays, you’ll notice the youth of America staring down, almost zombie-like, at the glowing screens of tablets and smartphones. Did you know that in tablet-owning households, seven out of 10 parents let their kids play with their tablets? And because of this 90 percent of modern children had a moderate ability to use a tablet. How severe is this problem, and what could be the long-term effects?

If you go to a mall, coffee shop, or even a playground nowadays, you’ll notice the youth of America staring down, almost zombie-like, at the glowing screens of tablets and smartphones.

Tags: child    smartphone    tablet   
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Smartphones Are Taking over the World
03 dec 2014 13:13

These are just some of the many ways that our lives have changed since the invention of smartphones.

These are just some of the many ways that our lives have changed since the invention of smartphones.

Tags: conversation    smartphone   
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