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Greta Thunberg’s Speech At The UN Climate Summit Is Going Viral
25 sep 2019 20:17

Climate activist Greta Thunberg is making headlines again. On Monday, she accused world leaders of failing her generation and did so with a charismatic speech at the United Nations Climate Action Summit.

Climate activist Greta Thunberg is making headlines again. On Monday, she accused world leaders of failing her generation and did so with a charismatic speech at the United Nations Climate Action...

Tags: activist    climate    glare    greta-thunberg    speech    summit    trump   
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Roy Allela has a 6-year-old niece who was born deaf and had difficulties communicating with her family, who didn’t know sign language
13 feb 2019 08:58

More than 30 million people around the globe have speech impairments and are facing difficulties when it comes to communicating with people who have no knowledge of sign language. Roy Allela – a young and ambitious 25-year-old technology enthusiast from Kenya recognized this problem and it paved the way to his newest invention.

More than 30 million people around the globe have speech impairments and are facing difficulties when it comes to communicating with people who have no knowledge of sign language.

Tags: audio    gloves    language    roy-allela    sign    signio    smart    speech   
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Student Gives Epic Welcome Speech to Georgia Tech Freshmen
21 aug 2013 12:11

After having been at the school for a year, mechanical engineering student Nicholas Selby knows all about what Georgia Tech can do for people. And he’s not holding back one little bit when it comes to sharing his excitement with the new students arriving this year…

After having been at the school for a year, mechanical engineering student Nicholas Selby knows all about what Georgia Tech can do for people.

Tags: "student"    epic    funny    georgia    hilarious    mechanical-engineering    nicholas-selby    speech   
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