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Baker Makes Hyper-Realistic Cakes That Will Make You Do A Double Take
25 sep 2019 20:00

For those of us who have a sweet tooth, cakes are one of those guilty pleasures that are hard to resist. Just imagine the rich creamy, extra moist and delectable taste of cakes! It would be unfair to blame someone when usually cakes not only look but also taste good.

For those of us who have a sweet tooth, cakes are one of those guilty pleasures that are hard to resist.

Tags: art    baker    baking    cake    hyper-realistic    sweet    taste   
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A Fruit That Tastes Like Chocolate Pudding?
20 oct 2014 09:35

If you think a fruit tasting like chocolate pudding sounds too good to be true, it isn't. The Black Sapote is a real, delicious fruit native to eastern Mexico and Central America. In fact, it tastes so much like chocolate pudding, people refer to it as "the chocolate pudding fruit." It can be enjoyed raw or baked into something as a chocolate substitute.

If you think a fruit tasting like chocolate pudding sounds too good to be true, it isn't. The Black Sapote is a real, delicious fruit native to eastern Mexico and Central America.

Tags: chocolate    fruit    taste   
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