Is This Guy The World's Best Flair Bartender?

Is This Guy The World's Best Flair Bartender?

That’s the advice from flair (the art of bottle-flipping and bar tricks) bartender Christian Delpech. Inspired by the classic movie “Cocktail” which stars a young Tom Cruise and Bryan Brown two charismatic bartenders who take the New York bar scene by storm with their mesmerising array of flicks, tricks & bottle flips – Christian wanted to follow on their fictional footsteps in his home country of Argentina.
Fast forward several years and that dream is now a reality, 9 first place world championship titles and more than 50 first places from competitions around the world attest to that. These days he’s performing and captivating bar goers in Las Vegas, but he still had time to put together this entertaining video, showcasing some of his incredible skills whilst making recycling look easy.
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