Jason Bateman Is the Handsome Everyday Man

Jason Bateman Is the Handsome Everyday Man

We’ve watched ‘Arrested Development‘ star Jason Bateman grow from an apple-cheeked child actor to a handsome grown-up who brings humor — and adorableness — to his portrayal of the average, everyday man.

Some may think Jason Bateman has a schtick — but if so, it’s totally working for him. Bateman often plays the “straight guy” in movies and TV shows. You know, the guy who’s reasonable and normal and just wants to stay out of trouble, but then his friends/family/girlfriend get him into crazy shenanigans and all he can do is sigh. Comedy!
We need everyday dudes like Bateman. There’s nothing wrong with guys who are just so … normal, you know? The kind of guy you could settle down with, for sure.
Bateman has been acting for a really long time, starting in the ’80s with roles in ‘Little House on the Prairie,’ ‘Silver Spoons,’ and ‘Teen Wolf Too.’ He went from a super cute kid to an even cuter man, and you’ve likely seen him in a number of comedies, including ‘Horrible Bosses,’ ‘Couples Retreat,’ and ‘Identity Thief.’
He also stars on the show ‘Arrested Development,’ which was tragically canceled after three seasons on Fox, but recently resuscitated by the amazing people at Netflix — be sure to catch the fourth season on Netflix Instant, and prepare to swoon.


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