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The houses in Brøndby Haveby have large yards that provide a retreat from the noisy and densely populated city and also giving the opportunity to indulge in the hobby of growing plants and crops
11 oct 2019 15:27

There are many urban spaces in the world that are so uniquely planned it leaves people speechless. With the help of satellites and aerial photography, we have the ability to see just how carefully buildings are laid out in the areas. One of such captivating sights is Brøndby Haveby or Brøndby Garden City. Located just outside Copenhagen, Denmark, this ‘garden city’ is a place of many community gardens that are known for their unique circular arrangement.

There are many urban spaces in the world that are so uniquely planned it leaves people speechless. With the help of satellites and aerial photography, ...

Tags: allotment    brondby    community    copenhagen    denmark    garden    haveby   
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