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This 11-Year-Old Boy Learned To Crochet At The Of Age 5 And Is Now Called A Crocheting Prodigy
20 mar 2019 12:17

If you believe that only grandmas enjoy crocheting you will be surprised to know that even some 11-year-olds love it too! Jonah Larson became internet famous for his uncommon hobby – crocheting. The boy went viral because of his amazing skills and today has a crocheting business, more than 133k Instagram fans, over 26k youtube subscribers and a book deal!

If you believe that only grandmas enjoy crocheting you will be surprised to know that even some 11-year-olds love it too! Jonah Larson became internet famous for his uncommon hobby – crocheting.

Tags: boy    business    crocheting    hobby    prodigy    skill    story   
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