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Aubrey Plaza Explains Her Recent Masturbation Scene
24 jul 2013 17:48

When Aubrey Plaza started at Parks and Recreation, she was a pretty regular-looking woman with a deadpan delivery. She was funny, but I don’t remember many people swooning over her (UPDATE: New Aubrey Plaza GQ spread and trolling interview). It’s amazing how a little time changes things. Now, Plaza is a certified sex symbol. Maybe she’s the leading symbol of how “regular-looking women” are becoming more popular for men. Who knows. I just know I personally love her. And when she talks about a masturbation scene from her upcoming movie, The To-Do List, people listen. Dear brilliant movie execs, save all of your money on preview clips and trailers. Just play this clip and go sell some damn tickets. While you’re at it, get Conan a Pulitzer for asking these important questions.

When Aubrey Plaza started at Parks and Recreation, she was a pretty regular-looking woman with a deadpan delivery.

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Aubrey Plaza Got In A Bikini For GQ And Gave A Troll-y Interview
24 jul 2013 17:37

As we’re all aware, Aubrey Plaza is all over the place as an interview subject. For every riveting masturbation scene discussion there’s being the most awkward person alive on Ellen. The great thing for us is every installment is entertaining as hell, even if the same can’t be said for her interviewers. And with The To-Do List opening Friday she’s out everywhere promoting, presenting various weird and oddly charming/attractive versions of herself to interviewers and audiences alike. Here are some exceptionally troll-y highlights from when she recently hung out with GQ’s Mark Byrne in a small town in upstate New York where she was shooting a movie. On why she’d be behaving that evening:

As we’re all aware, Aubrey Plaza is all over the place as an interview subject. For every riveting masturbation scene discussion there’s being the most awkward person alive on Ellen.

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The Huge Differences Between a 16th Birthday in 1984 & 2013
24 jul 2013 17:12

It’s hard to believe that the classic John Hughes movie ‘Sixteen Candles’ came out nearly thirty years ago. With its anniversary rapidly approaching, we thought it would be fun to take a look at the differences between the sweet sixteen presents in 1984 compared to the gifts now, in 2013. If it makes you feel any better, I own a pair of Zubaz pants.

It’s hard to believe that the classic John Hughes movie ‘Sixteen Candles’ came out nearly thirty years ago.

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Reporter Thinks Cause of Car Accident Was a Giant Penis in the Road
24 jul 2013 17:10

When a reporter, news anchor or weatherman uses a touchscreen on live television, anything can happen. We’re not entirely sure what this reporter was thinking – but we know what was on her mind. The traffic.

When a reporter, news anchor or weatherman uses a touchscreen on live television, anything can happen. We’re not entirely sure what this reporter was thinking – but we know what was on her mind.

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Logan Lerman Is Such a Pretty Boy and He's Legally Cute
24 jul 2013 17:00

When you look at 21-year-old actor Logan Lerman, it’s hard not to have Michael Jackson’s ‘Pretty Young Thing’ pop into your head. (Go ahead. Try it. We’ll wait right here.) You probably recognize Logan Lerman from a ton of movies — the young actor is a rising star, and is finally starting to be taken seriously thanks to his role in last year’s ‘The Perks of Being a Wallflower,’ in which he played depressed protagonist Charlie, whose new school friends help save his life. Makes you want to grab the tissues already, right? He’s also the star of the ‘Percy Jackson’ movies, based on the young adult novels, which are like Harry Potter, but with Greek mythology. The newest film, ‘Percy Jackson and the Sea of Monsters,’ hits theaters this August. Lerman got his start as a kid acting with Mel Gibson in both ‘The Patriot’ and ‘What Women Want,’ and has appeared in films like ‘Gamer,’ ‘The Three Musketeers,’ and the upcoming epic ‘Noah,’ from acclaimed director Darren Aronofsky. In his downtime, Lerman plays music (piano, guitar), and toys around for fun in a band with his former ‘Jack and Bobby’ co-star Dean Collins. Lerman says his band isn’t serious, but he does have one serious aspiration: to be the head of a movie studio someday. We’re good with that. Have you seen the dudes in charge of making movies? They could use a hot guy like Lerman around to improve the scenery.

When you look at 21-year-old actor Logan Lerman, it’s hard not to have Michael Jackson’s ‘Pretty Young Thing’ pop into your head. (Go ahead. Try it. We’ll wait right here.

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‘Hunger Games’ Hottie Alexander Ludwig Poses Shirtless with a Puppy
24 jul 2013 17:01

All that talk of Peeta vs. Gale and who’s hotter and who should Katniss pick and blah blah blah — we seem to have forgotten about another sexy guy from the cast of ‘The Hunger Games’: Alexander Ludwig. Ludwig recently got rid of his pesky shirt and picked up an adorable puppy for a new photoshoot for Abercrombie & Fitch. And really, there are few things as gratifying as looking at a hot, shirtless guy as he holds a cute, furry little friend. This tells us many things. First, the removal of the shirt says, “Hey, I’m comfortable getting naked,” which means he has confidence. Second, it says, “I am ripped. Look at this body and tell me I am lying.” (He is not.) And third, by holding a cute animal, he’s saying, “I am a sensitive man, and I like baby animals, which means I like babies. Say hello to your ovaries for me.” Ludwig played Cato, the male tribute from District 2 in the first ‘Hunger Games’ movie. Yeah, we’d fight to the death if we could hang out with this dude, too.

All that talk of Peeta vs. Gale and who’s hotter and who should Katniss pick and blah blah blah — we seem to have forgotten about another sexy guy from the cast of ‘The Hunger Games’: ...

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Actor Tom Hiddleston Has Classy British Style We Melt For
24 jul 2013 16:57

British actor Tom Hiddleston — you probably know him best as Loki, Thor’s brother and enemy in ‘Thor’ and ‘The Avengers‘ — is giving us a very sexy reason to watch comic book movies with his classy good looks from the other side of the pond. In ‘Thor’ and the upcoming sequel, ‘Thor: The Dark World,’ Tom Hiddleston plays Loki, a mischievous god and brother of the mighty Thor (Thor has that hammer, so). Loki is always up to no good, and in the new movie, set to hit theaters this November, he’s probably the most evil he’s ever been. But he’s deliciously evil! It’s hard to hate him when you look at his face. Hiddleston is a handsome devil, that’s for sure, with killer blue eyes and style for days. And if comic book movies aren’t your thing, you can check Hiddleston out in a number of other movies, including Woody Allen’s ‘Midnight in Paris’ (with Owen Wilson and Adrien Brody), in which he plays classic author F. Scott Fitzgerald, or in ‘The Deep Blue Sea’ (not the shark movie, but you should just watch that for fun anyway), where he’s a heartbreaking cad who crushes Rachel Weisz’s heart. It’s super sad and totally the kind of thing you’ll need to talk to some food about. In the meantime? Take a look and enjoy.

British actor Tom Hiddleston — you probably know him best as Loki, Thor’s brother and enemy in ‘Thor’ and ‘The Avengers‘ — is giving us a very sexy reason to watch comic book movies with his...

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Jennifer Lawrence Fangirls Over Jeff Bridges: It’s AWESOME
24 jul 2013 16:56

Despite winning an Oscar earlier this year, Jennifer Lawrence still freaks out around other celebrities — this time when she ran into actor Jeff Bridges at San Diego Comic-Con on Saturday (July 20). At around the 2:25 mark in the video, a nervous and breathless J-Law is pushed toward Bridges — who’s giving an on-camera interview — and runs away because she doesn’t want to intrude. But then Jeff sees her and wants to say hello, so the reporter invites her to ask the actor a question. (Way to think on your feet, reporter dude!) Lawrence obliges, but not without stumbling — verbally, not physically this time — and then goes all fangirl on the ‘Big Lebowski’ star. It’s nothing short of adorable.

Despite winning an Oscar earlier this year, Jennifer Lawrence still freaks out around other celebrities — this time when she ran into actor Jeff Bridges at San Diego Comic-Con on Saturday (July 20).

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Watch A Photographer Trick You Into Thinking One Image Is Four
24 jul 2013 17:00

This is the cover photo for Terrain, an album by Austrian band VLP. It seems fairly unremarkable at first; four images stitched into one. But look more closely… it’s not what you think. Shot by photographer Bela Borsodi, it’s actually an optical illusion; that’s one photograph, that uses forced perspective and color to trick you into thinking it’s four. Don’t believe us? Here’s the video showing the trickery as it comes together:

This is the cover photo for Terrain, an album by Austrian band VLP. It seems fairly unremarkable at first; four images stitched into one.

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Whales Almost Eat Divers in Insane Video
24 jul 2013 16:47

Ahhh, the ocean. So calm. So relaxing. So ABOUT TO BE EATEN BY ENORMOUS WHALES AAAAAAAAAAAGGGHHHH!!!! Thanks goodness these divers have friends to record their near-death experience, so that we can all watch this horrifying video. This is why we stay in the shallow water, where only sharks can get us. Good grief.


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What Happens When You Fire a Gun Underwater (in Slow Motion)
24 jul 2013 16:44

We’ve never actually wondered what would happen if you fired a gun underwater, but now that we can see it, obviously we’d really like to find out. Here the Slow Mo guys have set up their swimming pool to film firing a gun underwater at 27,000 frames per second. To give you an idea of how slowed down that is, the standard rate of frames per second in film is 24. So this is more than 1,000 times slower. Pretty cool, although we don’t recommend firing off a few rounds in your own pool.

We’ve never actually wondered what would happen if you fired a gun underwater, but now that we can see it, obviously we’d really like to find out.

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Take a Trip Back in Time With the ’90s Button
24 jul 2013 16:40

WARNING: if you press the ’90s button, you will lose hours of your life. The90sButton is a simple, single serving (ish) website, comprised of a glittery rainbow background, and a portal to the past, which reads “UNLEASH HEAVEN?” and is spiced up with a picture of David Hasselhoff. On top, three MC Hammers dance. It is clear this is no ordinary button. Pressing the button brings up a random song from the ’90s, and we mean *random.* Here are three we got, but don’t stop here, go press the button for yourself. And press it. And press it.

WARNING: if you press the ’90s button, you will lose hours of your life. The90sButton is a simple, single serving (ish) website, comprised of a glittery rainbow background, and a portal to the past, ...

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9 Tattoos Justin Bieber Will Probably Get Next
24 jul 2013 16:36

Another day, another regrettable Justin Bieber tattoo. Most recently, Bieber got his mom’s eye tattooed on the inside of his elbow. You know, so that she’ll always be watching. ALWAYS. Gross. Justin’s body is quickly becoming a road map of bad decisions, so we decided to speculate about what horrible tattoo he’ll be getting next. We’re not saying there’s an office pool, we’re just saying we should probably start an office pool. Here’s what we’ve come up with so far.

Another day, another regrettable Justin Bieber tattoo. Most recently, Bieber got his mom’s eye tattooed on the inside of his elbow. You know, so that she’ll always be watching. ALWAYS. Gross.

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15 Wonderful Helen Mirren GIFs Because Helen Mirren Is Wonderful
24 jul 2013 16:00

RED 2 premiered this week, and while I don't share Burnsy's level of enthusiasm, I do love me some Helen Mirren. And seeing as how on summer Fridays I only require the slightest shred of a reason to put a GIF collection together here we are paying animated tribute to my favorite Dame. Or "Liz Lemon's Lady Wizard" as she's known in my circles. Pro tip someone told me about that I haven't verified myself: You'll find lots more 20th century Helen Mirren GIFs by doing a something search, no filter. But before then, let's take a moment to remember that she awesomely pretend shoots people and occasionally makes out with Paul Rudd.

RED 2 premiered this week, and while I don't share Burnsy's level of enthusiasm, I do love me some Helen Mirren.

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Justin Bieber's Monkey Finally Has A New Home
24 jul 2013 16:00

Pop star and SWAG ‘bag Justin Bieber purchased his pet capuchin monkey, “OG Mally Bieber”, back in March, just in time for the launch of his European tour. But when you’re 19-years old, you tend to forget things like the proper paperwork for bringing wild animals from country to country, so poor Mally was confiscated by the German government within days of Bieber getting him. The country’s officials gave the singer until May 7 to present them with the proper paperwork so he could reclaim his "beloved" new pet and continue about his tour. Except a funny thing happened on the way to the monkey detention center – Bieber never responded and just left Mally in Germany for good. Fortunately, the German officials have found a new home for the young monkey and he’s already the king of the Serengeti Park in Hodenhagen.

Pop star and SWAG ‘bag Justin Bieber purchased his pet capuchin monkey, “OG Mally Bieber”, back in March, just in time for the launch of his European tour.

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ART Fix: Behind a Little House, by Manuel Cosentino
24 jul 2013 15:30

How much can you do with one camera angle, on one scenery fixed on one house? Evidently, a lot. As Americans, we tend to get impressed by big showy displays of art. Michael Bay makes a poorly written movie but makes up for it in explosions and impressive graphics. Artist Manuel Constantino proves us otherwise with his telling story of a little house in a wide open canvas. See for yourself. Use all your senses.

How much can you do with one camera angle, on one scenery fixed on one house? Evidently, a lot. As Americans, we tend to get impressed by big showy displays of art.

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Watch: Florence Welch Sing 'Get Lucky' Drunk
24 jul 2013 15:00

It’s a killer combination: Florence Welch, knocking down shots, with a bar band, at a party, singing Daft Punk’s “Get Lucky,” whipping her hair, while wearing a sun dress. According to the British band Sourberry, via HyperVocal, Welch, sans Machine, was in attendance for their annual summer party, and she “hopped up on stage during our sound check and rocked out a couple of numbers with us while we warmed up.” Not only did she impressively slur her way through “Get Lucky,” she also managed to belt out the Gossip’s “Standing in the Way of Control.” Welch is seriously giving Jenny Lewis a run for her Best Red-Headed Songstress title.

It’s a killer combination: Florence Welch, knocking down shots, with a bar band, at a party, singing Daft Punk’s “Get Lucky,” whipping her hair, while wearing a sun dress.

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Meet Trotter: The French Bulldog That's a Master of Disguise
24 jul 2013 13:49

Yes, we've all seen some extremely cute French Bulldogs, like the one this adorable Japanese boy cuddles up to every day, but have you seen one as mysterious as this? Meet Trotter, the black pup with over 165,000 followers on Instagram. Regularly receiving over 10,000 "likes" on his photos, Trotter is a verified celebrity thanks to her owner Sonya Yu who makes it her duty to snap Trotter in some wonderfully wacky outfits. Of course, it helps that the San Francisco Frenchie is both photogenic and obedient. As Yu told Pic Pack, "She is so patient! She will hold still, stay in the pose I put her in, and balance all of the props. Since she’s so obedient, it only takes a few frames to nail the shot." From a soccer player to a Harry Potter look-alike, this is one dog that's a master of disguise!

Yes, we've all seen some extremely cute French Bulldogs, like the one this adorable Japanese boy cuddles up to every day, but have you seen one as mysterious as this?

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More Incredible 3D Latte Art by Kazuki Yamamoto
24 jul 2013 13:45

Japanese artist Kazuki Yamamoto has got the Internet buzzing about his 3D latte art again – this time he’s back with a very impressive Salvador Dali-inspired foam sculpture. The latte foam in the cup is shaped as a melting clock in Dali’s The Persistence of Memory. The clock, however, is not the only new 3D latte artwork by Kazuki since the last time we featured him on our site. He has a very active twitter account with more than 110K visitors where he tweets his latest latte art creations. Kazuki serves this kind of coffee for the visitors of the Cafe10g in Osaka, Japan. 26-year-old artist became an Internet sensation after the world discovered his 3d coffee foam sculptures: besides rising up in their own cup, some of them even reach out for others. Before he developed this technique, Kazuki used to create some incredibly detailed flat artworks on the coffee foam, with his subjects varying from portraits of famous people to cartoon characters. The artist dreams of opening his own cafe in Tokyo one day – gotta admit, this business definitely sounds like his cup of tea… erm, coffee!

Japanese artist Kazuki Yamamoto has got the Internet buzzing about his 3D latte art again – this time he’s back with a very impressive Salvador Dali-inspired foam sculpture.

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Comparing the harsh sounds of German to other gentler languages
24 jul 2013 13:27

These two videos poke a little fun at German, contrasting its seeming aggressive harshness with the relative mellifluousness of several other languages…

These two videos poke a little fun at German, contrasting its seeming aggressive harshness with the relative mellifluousness of several other languages…

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25 Rarely Seen Artworks Painted By Adolf Hitler
23 jul 2013 14:54

Before putting his hand to the executive order that lead to millions of innocent individuals being killed, nearly destroying the Western world as we know it, Adolf Hitler was an upcoming (re: unsuccessful) artist. He actually applied to the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna, only to be turned down not once but twice due to his “unfitness for painting” – it’s not hard to see why.

Before putting his hand to the executive order that lead to millions of innocent individuals being killed, nearly destroying the Western world as we know it, ...

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Want To See Bill Clinton Singing "Blurred Lines"?
23 jul 2013 13:14

Who's better to sing the new "Blurred Lines" song by Robin Thike than Mr. Bill Clinton himself! Check this out.

Who's better to sing the new "Blurred Lines" song by Robin Thike than Mr. Bill Clinton himself! Check this out.

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Top 10 Sexiest Movie Couples.
23 jul 2013 12:37

They make us gasp, cry, laugh, and may be even fantasize. Who? The sexy, romantic and perfectly in sink movie couples. It is rather unfair to release movies where we're exposed to such crazy connection and chemistry, it messes with peoples perception of relationships, but non the less here they are. The sexiest couples of all times!

They make us gasp, cry, laugh, and may be even fantasize. Who? The sexy, romantic and perfectly in sink movie couples.

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Who's This Sexy Woman?
23 jul 2013 12:11

Emily Ratajkowski is an American model, born in London, England and raised in Encinitas, California. Her father was a Polish painer and her mother an English writer and professor. This stunning young woman is on top of her game appearing in Robin Thicke's "Blurred Lines" video and producing some recent steamy photos with Olivia Malone in various sporty settings. Check her out!

Emily Ratajkowski is an American model, born in London, England and raised in Encinitas, California. Her father was a Polish painer and her mother an English writer and professor.

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NEW! ‘Hunger Games: Catching Fire’ Trailer
22 jul 2013 15:25

If Peeta and Katniss (given the hilarious mashup name Peeniss by fans) are your thing, there will be plenty of angst in the upcoming ‘Hunger Games: Catching Fire’ film. But since there will also be a lip lock between Katniss and Gale (aka Kale), that should make the other half of the fandom happy. If you’re in that latter group, the brand new theatrical trailer has some Jennifer Lawrence on Liam Hemsworth action just for you. While at San Diego Comic-Con promoting the upcoming film on Saturday, July 20, Lawrence talked about a gross kiss between her and co-star Josh Hutcherson (warning: it contains some pretty unsexy bodily fluids) and discussed the wild parties the cast held while filming in Hawaii. “[They] were so weird,” Lawrence admitted. “Woody Harrelson in a cropped top was my favorite. He got really hot and wanted to borrow a shirt of mine because he wore a thermal and the only thing he could fit in was a baggy crop top.” “And the best part is nobody mentioned it! The whole party, like nobody said anything. They’re just like, ‘Yeah, Woody’s in a crop top.’ That was great.” Can you say “favorite new mental image”?

If Peeta and Katniss (given the hilarious mashup name Peeniss by fans) are your thing, there will be plenty of angst in the upcoming ‘Hunger Games: Catching Fire’ film.

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6 Abandoned Wonders Of The USSR.
19 jul 2013 15:21

The crumbling of the USSR has left behind hundreds of monuments and artifacts which were never finished. The scale of some of these constructions and the man power invested into them is truly a grand sight, but a sad one as well. The bright future never arrived for the hopeful people. Here are 6 most interesting wonders of the USSR left to their fate.

The crumbling of the USSR has left behind hundreds of monuments and artifacts which were never finished.

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Sexy Burning Man Chicks.
19 jul 2013 14:43

Has anyone ever been to burning man? It's one of the craziest, funnest events out there. It does however include drugs and lots of freaks. Besides the naked, weird and crazy people you can also get to see some sexy, freaky chicks like these! Enjoy.

Has anyone ever been to burning man? It's one of the craziest, funnest events out there. It does however include drugs and lots of freaks.

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10 Hilarious Pregnancy Tips.
19 jul 2013 14:22

Being pregnant is a blessing, but it can also prove to be very annoying because of the sudden flood of attention and excessive and obvious advice from family, friends as well as strangers. Well, cheer up and have a look at some really legit and hilarious pregnancy tips, I bet you haven't heard before!

Being pregnant is a blessing, but it can also prove to be very annoying because of the sudden flood of attention and excessive and obvious advice from family, friends as well as strangers.

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Shake dat booty white boy!
18 jul 2013 23:45

Surprised Patrick is a photoshop meme that’s so simple, yet, so hilarious. Take a shot of ‘SpongeBob Squarepants’ character Patrick Star and put him into situations where he’d be shocked. Hilarity ensues.

Surprised Patrick is a photoshop meme that’s so simple, yet, so hilarious. Take a shot of ‘SpongeBob Squarepants’ ...

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Funny Photos of Coworkers Aligned with Animal Bodies
18 jul 2013 13:25

Desk Safari is a funny photo project started by Mike Whiteside, one half of the creative duo Mike & Ben, that cleverly places laptops and tablets with images of animals with their heads or bodies cropped off in front of the corresponding parts of office coworkers. The playful, ongoing series features some hilarious pairings that are perfectly aligned.

Desk Safari is a funny photo project started by Mike Whiteside, one half of the creative duo Mike & Ben, ...

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Yard Sale PS2 Contains Surprise Hidden Loot
18 jul 2013 12:55

A guy bought this PS2 for $10. I don’t think the owner of this gaming console is going to be happy that it was sold.

A guy bought this PS2 for $10. I don’t think the owner of this gaming console is going to be happy that it was sold.

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Funny, Sexy, And Awesome Cosplay Of The Week
17 jul 2013 23:05

It's that time of the week! (Hopefully, it's not that time of the month for half of the population though.) It's time for our Funny, Sexy, and Awesome Cosplay we found on the internet today. Since it's Comicon season again, you know there are bound to be a whole bazooka load of new Cosplay's for your eyes to gander on. Get your sewing kits ready, because maybe you'll be inspired and by next year's Halloween, you'll be ready with your costume IFFF you work hard enough. Now get out there and get creative!

It's that time of the week! (Hopefully, it's not that time of the month for half of the population though.) It's time for our Funny, Sexy, and Awesome Cosplay we found on the internet today.

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The Best Of 'Dexter's' Debra Morgan
17 jul 2013 18:10

I think most of us, anyway, are on the same page with regard to the final season of Dexter : It's been a less than good season of a show that's been limping for quite some time. Charlotte Rampling's Dr. Vogel is somewhat compelling, but most of us are just hanging in there because we want to know: "Will Dexter die?" It's certainly pointing that way, and Dexter's exchange with Dr. Vogel this week about demonstrating selfless love through sacrifice provides further evidence. But, man, what have they done to Debra Morgan? She's always had her neuroses, and for such a strong female character, she's always been TERRIBLE at choosing her boyfriends (and wanting to bone Dexter only makes matters worse), but this year, the downward spiral has taken a huge toll. She's not only a woman in love with her brother, she's now a murder, an alcoholic, a drug abuser, and a sex fiend. I miss the Debra of old. She's still got the occasional decent profanity-lace line, but it's not the same. So, in honor of the old Debra, let's take a moment to appreciate the gems she's given us over seven and a half seasons of Dexter.

I think most of us, anyway, are on the same page with regard to the final season of Dexter : It's been a less than good season of a show that's been limping for quite some time.

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Bacon Beach: Island Of Swimming Pigs
17 jul 2013 13:27

They say no news is good news, but news about an island inhabited by a bunch of pigs? That’s GREAT NEWS. Yes, there’s actually an island in the Bahamas that’s home to about 20 swimming pigs and piglets. They’re the only inhabitants on the place, which goes by the name of Big Major Cay aka Pig Beach. If you asked me, I would’ve called it Swine Island or Swinesland for short. But no one asked me. And that, as you can probably imagine, makes me feel a little left out. What does a person have to do to be invited to these naming events, anyway? And don’t you dare say “be in a position of power” because, okay, that actually makes all the sense. Carry on!

They say no news is good news, but news about an island inhabited by a bunch of pigs? That’s GREAT NEWS.

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Emily Ratajkowski Then and Now
17 jul 2013 12:38

Emily Ratajkowski played "Tasha" in the Nickelodeon series iCarly in 2009-2010. Now she works as a model. And she is very hot.

Emily Ratajkowski played "Tasha" in the Nickelodeon series iCarly in 2009-2010. Now she works as a model. And she is very hot.

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