Water In Venice Canals Goes Crystal Clear After Coronavirus Lockdown

Water In Venice Canals Goes Crystal Clear After Coronavirus Lockdown

Where pessimists see a half-empty glass, optimists come along to show that it’s actually half-full. Same goes for the ongoing chaos of the coronavirus—while some are hoarding away toilet paper like there’s no tomorrow, there are people who see positive outcomes even in a situation as dire as this. One of these positive outcomes is that pollution has dropped down dramatically following the lockdown of Italy.


Tags: canal   clear   coronavirus   fish   italy   lockdown   venice   
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Frank Austin 2 years prev
Why US gas prices are at a record and why they’ll stay high for a long time: The concerns about disrupting global markets led western nations to initially exempt Russian oil and natural gas from the sanctions they put in place to protest the invasion. Gas prices have shot up at the fastest pace since the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina in 2005. The weekly average price is now $4.10 a gallon, nearing the record high of $4.11 reached in 2008. #accelerationism

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