The Largest Puzzle in the World

The Largest Puzzle in the World

Civil servant Amanda Warrington, from Yate near Bristol, spent 17 months and a staggering 1,000 hours completing the whopping 24,000–piece puzzle.
The 50-year-old then cut the two-stone puzzle into quarters and stuck it on the wall using extra-strong adhesive.
The mural — called Life: The Great Challenge — was the biggest in the world when Amanda’s sister bought it for her from a specialist internet supplier.
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Лучший комментарий
ulyanychevadina 11 months prev
I believe that nothing develops the brain, imagination and logic like puzzles and various logical pictures. Therefore, my family constantly plays puzzles and often searches for them on the Internet. Here there are excellent puzzles with wonderful pictures. And in general, there are many different bright games.

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