Jim Carrey Disses His Movie ‘Kick Ass 2′ Because It's to Violent

Jim Carrey Disses His Movie ‘Kick Ass 2′ Because It's to Violent

Jim Carrey has publicly denounced the violence in a new movie — starring himself. Which means ‘Kick Ass 2′ isn’t just a clever name … the sequel to a violent comic book movie actually contains violence.

Of course, according to an executive producer and writer of the comic books on which the film is based, the screenplay had violent content in it when Carrey signed on to do it 18 months ago. Also, the name alone might indicate this isn’t a fuzzy feel-good flick. But suddenly, the man who brought us this weird protest video has decided it was all wrong.
Over the weekend, the actor tweeted this to his more than 10 million Twitter followers:


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