Abandoned Farmhouse Transformed Into Life Size Dollhouse

Abandoned Farmhouse Transformed Into Life Size Dollhouse

Canadian artist Heather Benning has turned an abandoned farm house she found in 2005 in Manitoba, Canada, into a life-sized dollhouse.
Miss Benning, 32, discovered the tumble-down home in 2005 during an artist in residence program for the community of Redvers, Saskatchewan. While driving to the nearest city of Brandon, Manitoba, to get art supplies she spotted the crumbling former home and pulled over to get a closer look. She immediately knew what she wanted to do.
She contacted the landowners of the property and found out the house had been abandoned since the late 1960s and was suffering from substantial water damage. After a meeting, the owners agreed to donate the house to Heather so that she could make her dream of producing a real-life dollhouse come to life.
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