15 Cool and Creative Resumes

15 Cool and Creative Resumes

Unless you are a desired professional, job hunt is not the kind of activity you would enjoy doing very often. All the searching, sending, phone-calling and trying to simply get noticed by the employer can really wreck your nerves.
The principle “don’t judge a book by its cover” is not widely used here – on the contrary, you have to LOOK good and stand out from the others to get the job. And looking good doesn’t only mean putting on a new shirt or a skirt, but most importantly – having a solid resume and a cover letter.
Looks like these job-seekers didn’t have problems getting noticed by the employer. Building a creative yet informative resume is a good way to clearly present you personality and skills. And to get noticed, of course. Browse here for inspiration and get creative the next time you’re on the job market.
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