Frighteningly Realistic Animal Chairs by Maximo Riera

Frighteningly Realistic Animal Chairs by Maximo Riera

Are you looking for a new set of chairs? Then take a look at this almost alive Animal Chair collection by Máximo Riera.
The collection constitutes a diverse range of species, including octopus, walrus and rhino. Each chair retains the animal’s natural vitality whilst being totally biologically accurate in their appearance. It is homage to these animals and the whole animal kingdom which inhabits our planet, as an attempt to reflect and capture the beauty of nature in each living thing.
The main reason Maximo Riera chose to create a chair is because it is an everyday object, something taken as common and banal in our lives.
“Whilst considering the chair’s basic functionality, I also wanted to bring it alive, make it more present and create a stronger link between the spectator, the piece and the surrounding space,” says the artist.
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