Meet the daughters of Mexico's nouveau riche

Meet the daughters of Mexico's nouveau riche

These nouveau riche ladies of Mexico - each one an apparently aspiring starlet - landed a walk-on part in artist Daniela Rossell's portraits. The Harem picture was shot in a location known as Villa Arabesque - and many of the 'models' are said to be friends and relatives of Rossell, who herself is the daughter of Mexico's political elite.
Taken from the artist's 2002 book, 'Ricas y Famosas,' meaning 'Rich And Famous,' it is one of a number of photographs depicting Mexican society women living out their extravagant fantasies.
In the preface to the book, a statement from the artist, herself Mexican, reads: 'The following images depict actual settings. The photographic subjects are representing themselves. Any resemblance with real events is not coincidental.'
And anyone dipping into the glossy coffee table tome cannot fail to notice that it depicts a lifestyle a world away from the poverty prevalent in much of the country.
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