Interactive Installations from Sharp Cracks of Light

Interactive Installations from Sharp Cracks of Light

Oakland-based artist Chris Fraser has created an impressive set of sight-specific installations that all consist of sharp cracks of light. He strategically creates holes or slits in walls, coaxing light into various formations. His works are often interactive, providing the viewer with a memorable and unique experience.
In the Make has a great interview with Fraser where he describes his creative process and what he hopes to accomplish as an artist. "I would like my work to point back into the world. I spend a lot of time crafting specific situations, framing light in such a way that it reveals a portion of the complex order within the ambient environment. But there is nothing particularly special about the light that enters these works. Echoes of this same order can be found in your home, entering your windows, skirting around furniture, slipping through a crack in the door. I want to call attention to a type of beauty that usually goes unnoticed."
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