Supervillain Selena Gomez Made Bieber’s Worst Birthday Even Worse-er

Supervillain Selena Gomez Made Bieber’s Worst Birthday Even Worse-er


As you’ve most likely heard by now, Justin Bieber had the “worst birthday.” Except, you know, he didn’t. But it turns out his ex-girlfriend Selena Gomez might have made that birthday suck even more when he texted her in the hopes she’d cheer him up and she completely refused to respond.
Then she stroked the fluffy white cat on her lap and launched a rocket into the moon while yelling “TAKE THAT TIDES!” Because she’s just that hypothetically evil.

“Justin texted Selena about how depressed he was about his birthday party being a disaster, but she just ignored him,” said a HollywoodLife source who allegedly knows all about Selena’s intimate texting (or rather, non-texting) habits.
“She’s been laughing about his ridiculous outfits and thinks he’s just being needy. She’s moving on and having fun with all of her friends and family — she doesn’t have time for him.”
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