10 Examples of 'She's Way Out of His League'

10 Examples of 'She's Way Out of His League'


In recent news, high school seniors are trying their luck by asking celebs out to prom. First, there was a heartfelt video of a high school senior asking Scarlette Johanson to prom and just recently, another poor fella attempted to ask out Kate Upton, although there was a "maybe" involved and the supermodel said she just needed to "check her calendar". This raises the question - how far out-of-his-league should a guy try to date and what are his chances of success? In these particular examples of couples dating out-of-their-league, our attention is strictly on looks. Sure the men may have all kinds of other attractive attributes, such as a great personality, being well endowed "down under" or simply have loads of money. Nevertheless, these couples prove that the chances are high, and if you never try you shall never succeed! Here is real hope, exemplified!

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