The Real Life Merman Revealed on TLC's ‘My Crazy Obsession’

The Real Life Merman Revealed on TLC's ‘My Crazy Obsession’


TLC has had their share of shows that reveal the weird and intriguing oddities of life, such as My Strange Addiction, Strange Sex and My Crazy Obsession. In a recent episode of My Crazy Obsession, a young man from Florida has been featured as living his life as a Real Life Merman (the male version of Mermaid in case you didn't know!). The 22-year-old Eric Ducharme has a very real obsession with non other but dressing up and acting as a Merman in his every day life, "It's a lifestyle. It's a path in life that I have chosen." And he takes part in this lifestyle any chance he gets. Whenever he hits the water, he is sure to bring along his handmade fake fin, which happens about three times a week.


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