Bryan Singer Tweets New Look For Beast in ‘X-Men: Days of Future Past’

Bryan Singer Tweets New Look For Beast in ‘X-Men: Days of Future Past’

Director Bryan Singer sure isn’t shying away from giving ‘X-Men’ fans news and info about his next mutant movie, ‘X-Men: Days of Future Past,’ on Twitter. Late Friday, Singer tweeted a photo of what looks like a new rendition of Beast, the brilliant blue-furred scientist played by Nicholas Hoult in 2011′s ‘X-Men: First Class.’
Don’t worry, Beast is still blue, but he’s looking a lot less feline than he did in ‘First Class,’ which we’ve decided is a good thing. This subtle change was probably made in order to allow the actor to emote a little more from under all that hair and makeup.
Singer previously took to Twitter to reveal the names of several ‘X-Men’ movie franchise members who would be returning for ‘First Class,’ including Patrick Stewart, Ian McKellan, Anna Paquin, Ellen Page, Aaron Ashmore, and Hugh Jackman.
Tell us what you think of the new Beast.
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