Experiment: Try not to Yawn While You Read This

Experiment: Try not to Yawn While You Read This


As you might’ve already experienced yourself (and if not – do try it with someone!) – yawing is medically proved to be contagious. If you hear or see someone yawn, chances are that within seconds you’ll catch yourself doing the same. Some say that the only mammals on Earth that don’t yawn are the giraffes (which, of course, you could also try challenging by testing it in a zoo. Let us know how it goes). If you’re having a hard time falling asleep, you can always use this post for therapeutic purposes. Besides it being an animal post, which already soothes the heart, it is bound to have you start yawning yourself. And once you do, you’ll notice that all of a sudden you got way sleepier… So let’s do a little experiment – scroll down the list and try not to yawn!


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