An Intimate Look At Where Your Facebook* 'Likes' Are Stored

An Intimate Look At Where Your Facebook* 'Likes' Are Stored

Roughly 1 person in 7 on the entire planet has a Facebook* account.
It is now ubiquitous in our everyday lives and whether you treat the company with suspicion or welcome it’s influence with open arms, it has fundamentally changed the way the world communicates. We’ve already taken you on a walk down the corridors of power at Facebook* and even given you a behind the scenes look at exactly how the perfect profile picture is created but today we’re looking at the very core of the site.
Its data.
With over a billion users updating their status, sharing photos and uploading videos, do any of us have any idea where it’s all housed and stored? Facebook* has a frankly ginormous data warehouse which tracks and keeps all your information, details and likes under lock and key. But few have seen it until now.
Thanks to our friends at Ned Hardy, here’s 14 photographs that take you deep into the very foundations of Facebook* itself, the vault of Big Brother and a place where a billion stories are documented.
Is it what you expected?


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