Movie Trailer: Paradise, from Diablo Cody, starring Julianne Hough

Movie Trailer: Paradise, from Diablo Cody, starring Julianne Hough

Diablo Cody’s directorial debut, Paradise, hits DirecTV this Friday, something that was only announced last week, via Cody herself on Twitter. It doesn’t seem like a carefully planned roll-out strategy, but I’m wearing mismatched socks right now so I’m not one to judge. It has a limited theatrical run scheduled for October, and stars former non-star star of Dancing with the Stars Julianne Hough as a conservative southern gal who goes to Vegas after getting “barbecued in jet fuel” during a plane crash. She gets to Vegas and meets up with Russell Brand, and they’re already halfway to a Rock of Ages reunion! Ooh, sing some Speedwagon!
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