34 Misleading Vintage Ads Promoting The Benefits Of Smoking

34 Misleading Vintage Ads Promoting The Benefits Of Smoking

Quaint though they may be, we’ve come a long way from this hellishly misleading smoking advertisements from yesteryear.
Actor Edmund Lowe once proudly declared:
“It’s that delightful taste after a cup of coffee that makes Luckies a hit with me. And naturally I protect my voice with Luckies. No harsh irritants for me…..I reach for Lucky instead. Congratulations on your improved Cellophane wrapped. I can open it.”
Even US President Ronald Reagan, paid off by big tobacco, willingly promoting the fact he loved to send cigarettes to all his friends at Christmas. Put it down to clever marketing or being genuine naive, this collection of vintage adverts promoting the health benefits of inhaling over 4,000 chemicals were all the rage 40 years ago. Of those 4,000 chemicals in tobacco smoke, around 69 of those same chemicals are known to cause cancer.
Today, we’re better informed and more aware of the dangers and hazards associated with smoking. And whilst your local doctor might still have a crafty cigarette during his lunch break, you’d be hard pressed to find them willingly endorsing an expensive & addictive product, that ultimately kills you.
Progress it seems, has been made.
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