Hilarious Obituary for ‘Waffle House Mom’ Goes Viral

Hilarious Obituary for ‘Waffle House Mom’ Goes Viral

We’re thinking Toni Larroux of Bay Saint Louis, MS., who died last week at 68, had a pretty quirky sense of humor. Her two surviving children certainly do.
From the first line of the obituary they penned for their mother — “Waffle House lost a loyal customer on April 30, 2013. Antonia W. ‘Toni’ Larroux died after a battle with multiple illnesses: lupus, rickets, scurvy, kidney disease and feline leukemia” — you are clued in that this is not going to be the typical remembrance.
As the obit progresses, the kids accuse mom of playing favorites, reveal unflattering nicknames, hint at illegitimate children and take shots at each other and other family members. The first local paper the Larrouxs submitted it to actually rejected the obit even though its conclusion, as well as its parenthetical phrasing, make it pretty clear that it is tongue-in-cheek.
But another paper agreed to print it, and its dark and often awkward comedy struck a chord with readers who have pushed it to go viral.
You can read the whole thing below. Do you think it goes too far? Or is it a fitting send off for a woman who obviously appreciated a good joke as much as a good waffle?


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