Celebrities Read Mean Tweets About Themselves On Kimmel

Celebrities Read Mean Tweets About Themselves On Kimmel

Sometimes, when you’re sitting in the waiting room at the doctor’s office and there’s nothing to read except months old magazines and pamphlets about cholesterol, it can be easy to see a picture of a celebrity making a stupid face on the cover of, say, People magazine, and think to yourself “UGH SO-AND-SO HAS SUCH A STUPID DUMB FACE AND I HATE HIM/HER AND I WANT HIM/HER TO DIE,” because, at that moment, that person only exists in the fanciful world of television and professional photo shoots. Then you think, “You know what? I should tell everyone,” and you can, because you have a smart phone with a Twitter app and the Internet is basically magic. So you tap it out real quick and hit send, including the celebrity’s Twitter handle, and then the nurse calls your name and you head back to the exam room and never think about it again.


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