50 Faces in Everyday Places

50 Faces in Everyday Places


Have you ever looked at an object or building and thought, “hey that kind of looks like a face!”? It’s actually a psychological phenomenon known as pareidolia. Pareidolia involves a vague and random stimulus (often an image or sound) being perceived as significant; it’s a form of apophenia (seeing meaningful patterns or connections in random or meaningless data). Online you can find entire communities dedicated to finding faces in everyday objects, places and buildings. On Flickr, the group FACES IN PLACES has over 6,365 members and a staggering 23,563 pictures. And on Reddit, there is a subreddit called /r/Pareidolia with nearly 40,000 members! You can also find countless Tumblrs, blogs and hashtags dedicated to this fascinating phenomenon that so many of us experience.


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