Ranking Jay-Z, Kanye West Albums, From Worst To Best

Ranking Jay-Z, Kanye West Albums, From Worst To Best

So. You may have heard that Jay-Z and Kanye West recently released new albums. Yeah, I had no idea, either, but it's true: the mentor dropped Magna Carta Holy Grail, hopefully not into a toilet (that's a cell phone joke, you see) while the student put out Yeezus. It certainly seems like you can't talk about one without the other, so in honor of the new additions to their discography, I thought now's as good a time as any to rank both Hova and Ye's studio albums, from worst to best. One note: I didn't include collaboration records, like The Best of Both Worlds or even Watch the Throne. I don't think anyone will cry foul over Unfinished Business' lack of an inclusion. Probably not even Jay-Z.
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