DC Hoes Are Prepping For Inauguration Weekend

DC Hoes Are Prepping For Inauguration Weekend


Get ready to pay some extra if you're lookin' for a little sugar over inaugurations weekend. Records show that last time Obama got in the house, the love shacks were simply banging big bucks into those women's pockets.

This time around, DC police are having talks about putting up signs for "prostitution free zones," located around the capitol building. Thus far, similar signs have been signed around the DC area, but never so blatantly as they are calling for now.

A user says, "My roomate was working downtown at a hotel and it was booked solid for the week of the inauguration. Her and her coworkers needed special security badges to get in and out and one night she slept there in the closed rooftop restaurant. I still wanted to get one of those red "prostitution free zone" signs that were up all over around the mall."


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