Is The NRA Finally Coming Up With Legit Solutions For Gun Control?!

Is The NRA Finally Coming Up With Legit Solutions For Gun Control?!


Vice President Biden seems to have some proposals ready for Obama soon! Biden met with video game industry, the entertainment industry, NRA and other groups who are reluctant towards the new firearms restrictions, last week. Here's a short summary on what was discussed and considered. There's a possibility of imposing universal background checks on all gun transactions, a ban on high capacity magazines, better parental control on what the kids watch on TV, and a review of Video game influences on adolescent violence. Meanwhile the White House dismissed NRA's proposal to install armed officers at schools, saying it will be ineffective. Some think Biden wants to implement radical changes, which goes against the II Amendment.

I hope they could just all peacefully agree. Guess all we can do is wait until something gets done. If it does...


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