The Mystery of Natalie Wood

The Mystery of Natalie Wood

43 year old actress Natalie Wood died on Nov. 29, 1981 during a party on a boat with her husband, actor Robert Wagner, and "Brainstorm" co-star Christopher Walken. Her body was found floating face down off the coast of California's Santa Catalina Island. It's not clear how or why she entered the water.
The Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department reopened the investigation into Wood's death in fall 2011, stating that Wagner is not a suspect.
Bruises were found on Wood's arms and legs plus a four-inch bruise on her right forearm, multiple one-inch fresh bruises on her left thigh, as well as fresh bruises and scratches to the backs of her legs. Aside from the bruising, Wood also had superficial abrasions on her left forehead, left eyebrow and the left upper cheek area.
With these new findings, the coroners amended Wood's cause of death to "drowning and other undetermined factors," with the manner of death being changed to "undetermined." The original cause of death had been listed as "accident."
So... could this have been about a fight? Was Chirstopher Walken involved? Perhaps it was about jealousy, or maybe a suicide?
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